As actors, we run a fine line between being self involved and self deprecating and we dance on that fine line through our social media posts. What if other professions posted like actors? In this case…LAWYERS
Royal Wedding Thoughts and Feel
I didn't set my alarm for 5:00 on 19 May 2018 like many Royal Wedding fanatics because this girl needed her beauty sleep. (Note, I'm now going to start writing all dates Euro style to really confuse the Yanks. I did it like that for a few months in high school and it really did my teachers proud, I'd like to think). Perhaps because I didn't watch the wedding live, I now find myself in a rabbit hole of news, news and even fake news. I am searching like hell for pictures of the after after party which my Momma says I will NOT find.
Driving Miss Drew Barrymore
I had a dream I was driving Drew Barrymore around town. And, no I wasn’t an Uber or Lyft driver or even a Shyft* driver (*shameless plug for our comedic short film. Check out more about it here.) Nope, I was a “picture car driver” which, in the movie biz basically means you’re an extra...and so is your car. Though, please don’t tell my eighteen year old autumn bronze pearl Infiniti G20t Trixie that she was an extra. She’s only meant for true stardom.